Friday, April 29, 2022

Chapel Note

I went by the front of Grace, and there on the door was the word David. I first thought that this must have been for Mr. Forbes, and how remarkable he must have been to have founded such a place, but when I looked at the rest of the names on the door, I realized that it was a happy coincidence just like how the street in front of the western entrance shares a name with the current head.

But since my own David believes that world is full of magic, I like to believe that there is some purpose where the stern of the school has Forbes in its wake, and the bow (or nave) points towards Jones. That we were given long ago a strong tiller to point us forward and also a horizon to achieve.

I know that Kate, among others, are working towards a portrait of a graduate as a way of orienting the school. For me, at the center is this duality of progress and tradition. The school is like its latest addition, the learning commons, a modern touch that promotes the best of an older architecture. It reminded me of the glass pyramid in front the Louvre or for that matter putting a bridge across a golden gate, where if done well we could put new context while keeping immortal beauty.

I know that there is talk about whether you need to raise pointy kids or well rounded, and perhaps by the time Edward is in eighth grade there will be other polygons to aspire to. But what I hope the school keeps is the wonderful, Episcopal values that Burns talked about at chapel today. Honoring those behind the scenes and raising up a life of charitable service is a much needed philosophy in a world that has so many sharp edges.

The truth is that there are going to be so many different kinds of Cathedral graduates. 

Some are going to be financially successful. Some aren’t.

Some will make varsity as a sophomore. Some will try to get out exercise by taking theatre.

Some will paint. More than most places, some will sing.

But what I hope is that boys realize is that while the world is so much bigger than them, that they give back to make it a better place. That they were given a wonderful past and that they owe others a wonderful future.

Thanks so much for a great chapel this morning.

Keep pointing us towards that horizon.

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